3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.

The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.

The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can be seen as a thinly sliced cross-section of the object.

3D printers have a variety of uses in numerous professions, for the home and hobbyist, and are now gaining acclaim in the classroom and other educational settings. 3D printers print objects, not with ink, but with substantive materials like plastic, metal or rubber. 3D printers have become much more affordable and easier to use, and they offer educational benefits for almost every grade.

Technology in the classroom has gained great traction, and as it shifts and develops, its uses become continually varied. Engineering, chemistry, math, biology and architecture, just to name a few, all make use of 3D printers, but the real advantages lie in the development of imagination and creativity. All kids, big and small, can benefit from the burst of imaginative capabilities that result from educational technology.

Most students learn better when classrooms are fun and engaging. 3D printing allows educators to design rich learning experiences for deep theoretical constructs that bring learning from computer screens into students' hands.Some students will think they are playing and just having fun, but in essence, they are learning valuable lessons about design, theory and the manipulation of objects. Adding technology to the classroom opens doors to discovering how today's students think and synthesize information into useful constructs.

Educational technology is the wave of accelerating progress, delivering on the future of design potential, and making the earth a better learning environment. An idea can now become a reality that the student can measure, hold, bend, fold and continue to improve. The technology that many adults use on the job is now the same technology used in the classroom in many instances, meaning tomorrow's job-seekers will already have the experience their managers and supervisors require when they begin their careers.

  • Recognise what a 3D printer looks like
  • Describe where 3D printers are used in society
  • Discuss why 3D printers are being widely adopted in society
  • Explain the basic concept of how a 3D printer works
  • Explain how x,y and z co-ordinates relate to 3D printing
  • Describe the main components of how to create a 3D printed object
  • Define the term CAD (computer aided design)
  • Define the term CAM (computer aided manufacture)

1st DAY

  • Welcome activities/Ice Breaker Activities
  • What 3D printing is
  • What the different 3D printing technologies are
  • How to create 3D models
  • How to repair 3D files
  • How to export your 3D design files


2nd DAY

  • How to choose appropriate materials for 3D printing
  • Making designs for use with both resin printing and filament printing
  • Information about using nylon, metal powders, and other industrial 3D printing materials
  • How to optimize the turnaround time for your 3D printing projects
  • 3D printing applications in short-run manufacturing


3rd DAY

  • What you need to do before completing a 3D printing task
  • Pros and cons of the different 3D printing methods
  • How to use the various software programs and tools necessary to complete a 3D printing task
  • Various applications for 3D printing and the promise it holds for technological and economic advancements


4th DAY

  • Creating curriculum to instruct students on 3D printing
  • Troubleshooting potential printer problems
  • How to integrate 3D printing technology into the classroom


5th DAY

  • Information about design tools, scanning, file formats, and other workflow capabilities of additive manufacturing
  • How additive manufacturing is similar to and different from more conventional manufacturing methods
  • How to use different types of 3D printers
  • How to determine whether additive manufacturing is a good fit for a given problem


6th DAY

  • Workshop day/ Practice Day


7th DAY

  • Evaluation of the course
  • Certificate Ceremony
  • Cultural Visits